Sunday, 6 May 2018

Camp Manitou

This is the last week of hockey! It has been a great season and the students have learned and improved so much! If your child would like to show appreciation for their coaches, this is a great time to write letters and cards, or draw pictures that they can give to their coaches this Thursday.

To celebrate the great season, there will be a fun day next Tuesday at Camp Manitou. Please send your child in clothes appropriate for the weather. Wear layers! Please also wear sunscreen. Please also send a water bottle.

Another wonderful treat is that each WJHA student has been awarded a free week of camp at Camp Manitou this summer. July 9th - 13th is our week. Pick up and drop off will be at Stevenson-Britannia every day. A form was sent home last Thursday. Please return it as soon as possible. More information will come to you closer to the week of camp this summer.

You can explore the Camp Manitou website at

Monday, 23 April 2018

3 More Games Left

We had out first game last Monday against Donwood School. Stevenson was the first to score and had a great game. The final score was 4-3 in favour of Donwood School.

We have three more games. All of these games will be held at the Bell MTS Iceplex.

1. Tomorrow (Tuesday, April 24th) vs. Crestview 10:20 am
2. Thursday April 26th vs. Heritage 12:40 pm
3. Thursday May 3rd vs. King Edward 12:40 pm

Remember to have your hockey player eat a healthy dinner and breakfast. Please also encourage them to get a good nights sleep the day before the game (and every day really).

Tuesday, 10 April 2018

Game On!

The grade 4/5 WJHA students have been working hard to develop their skills as a hockey team all year. Now it is time to put those skills to the test! We have been scheduled 4 games against other schools that are a part of the WJHA.

1. Monday, April 16th vs. Donwood at 11:50 am at Gateway arena
2. Tuesday, April 24th vs. Crestview at 10:20 am at the Bell MTS Iceplex
3. Thursday, April 26th vs. Heritage at 12:40 pm at the Bell MTS Iceplex
4. Thursday, May 3rd vs. King Edward at 12:40 at the Bell MTS Iceplex

Come cheer on your child if you can!

Important Notes

There are a couple of important changes to be aware of this week:

Due to a Ringette Tournament at the Bell Mts Iceplex, there will be No Hockey for the Grade 4/5s this Thursday.

The Grade 2/3s will be moved to Allard arena (80 Allard Avenue). There is not room for both groups, so the grade 2/3s will continue with their session and the grade 4/5s will have a break.

Also this week, the grade 4/5s will have a Floorball Tournament on Friday at Keith Bodley Arena (165 Sansome Avenue) from 9:00 - 1:00. We will leave first thing Friday morning so please be sure to be on time. Students are asked to please being clean indoor shoes and a water bottle. Snacks and lunch will be provided.

Monday, 27 November 2017

Weeks 4 and 5

We are so lucky to have such generous people helping us at hockey! There are police officers, cadets and many other volunteers including Mrs. MacDonell that used to work at our school, but because she loves the program so much and loves the students at Stevenson, she comes every week to help out! We also have Ms. Husein, a mother of 3 at home, but a mother of 25 as she helps the grade 2/3s get dressed and with anything while they are on the ice!

Our volunteers are helping tie skates, tying hair back, untwist the jerseys from the rest of our equipment, tightening hockey shorts that are sometimes become loose and fall down to our ankles! 

We also have some of the greatest coaches also! They are so patient and so encouraging and lead us through so many fun and challenging drills! They also go out of their way to help out any way they can, and will literally take the shirt off their back to make sure everyone has everything they need.

Thank you!!

Sunday, 12 November 2017

After School Plan

Last week was our first after school session. The students were excited for their dry land training to begin! The students also spent time filling out a survey about their feelings and opinions about hockey and the night finished with a heathy dinner.

Each session will have gym time, classroom time and a meal. In the classroom, students will explore a different topic exploring different healthy living topics and positive character traits. Here is a list of the topics that will be explored:

November 13th: Trust (Team building)
November 20th: Yoga
November 27th: Empathy
December 4th: Humility/Caring
December 11th: Resilience
December 18th: No After School Session
January 8th: No After School Session
January 15th: Failure
January 22nd: Hard Work
January 29th: Outdoor Game
February 5th: Respect
February 12th: Attitude/Golden Rule
February 19th: No School - Louis Riel Day
February 26th: Goal Setting
March 5th: Project 11
March 12th: Hockey Review
March 19th: Last Session Patience and Mirror Image

Thursday, 9 November 2017

Week 3

I spy with my little eye some pretty great hockey players! The grade 2/3 students continued to work on their skating skills. There were drills skating around cones and diving under sticks. There was even some really great determination practicing crossovers! Way to go 2/3s!

The grade 4/5s were challenged skating backwards, working on agility and scrimmaging!

It has been wonderful having all of the families coming to watch during practices. If you are thinking that you might like to come watch a practice, our ice times are from 12:40 - 1:40 pm.

Please remember to send your child with a change of clothes. There have been a lot of sweaty hockey players lately! They have been working hard!